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It’s difficult to know that how many of websites that bring changes their terms and condition and context updates, We don’t know anything about that when they are going to change and when they did finish, it all happens from time to time.

Panaroid Paul is a Web support tool that involves into the websites and find you whenever their privacy and policy are going to change that will be highlighted and noted here on the way.

The web tool support only listed websites, that you can find which is the one receive updates their terms and condition or content changes and you can get the details through entering the email ID. Thanks to the developer, In this way that users can find easily that we know how the top websites are going to change their privacy and policy issues. That’s it.

Source: Panaroid Paul      Via: boingboing   via: Lifehacker 

Syed Ali Abubacker
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Syed Ali Abubacker

I am a Tech Blogger, Surfing Websites It's my hobby. From this you will get a lot of information through GotoWebsites.info about Android, iOS, and Windows Applications etc.. Stay with me through Social Media.
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