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QueueTube Is An Extension Help You to Search YouTube Video Without Stopping   Currently Running Video

YouTube is an online video broadcaster, while using the search box to find the videos is a regular practice on YouTube. But this service doesn’t support in many of situation and disturbing you most of the time. YouTube doesn’t support you when you are watching video in between you want to search and list any other videos, then YouTube puts you break automatically the currently playing video and the search result comes first.

QueueTube is a Chrome extension that helps you to search videos stands on the same tab and that it never goes to stop the currently running video. The program hides those search recommendations and bring you to include the video from the search result for ”Up-Next” playlist straightaway.

After you installed QueueTube, you have to concentrate a few areas to be accessed faster. The Chrome browser will keep the extension icon On/Off and click to enable the round button. At the same time you can disable the extension go back to the same position.

Now, the extension works well on your YouTube and the currently video playing. After you enter the title in the search bar available on the top and give Enter button. The video related things will be displayed on the right hand side, and you can watch the current video that’s playing. The search ability works at the behind session.

The program doesn’t offer you to create a video playlist, but this extension adds those playlists directly on to Up-Next playlist with few clicks that happen on your video broadcaster. It remains until you remove the extension from chrome browser.Before installing extension the search suggestions give a list of title topic which you have seen normally on YouTube in the search bar. It means, once the extension installed whatever you are going to type on the search bar that will not know more.

Source: QueueTube for Chrome Extension 

Syed Ali Abubacker
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Syed Ali Abubacker

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