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Image Credit: Jacob Salmela

Image Credit: Jacob Salmela

If you add one or two PDFs to merge on your Mac it comes very simple insert into edit show, thing whether you want to add plenty of PDFs to merge, this process still to gain those tough condition. The site Jacob Salmela create Automator functionality that creates merge button for PDFs through right-click menu.

To create a menu, you will need to set up a new Automator action, and add a fewer code, run the whole day. After you have done the process, you can start to add two or more PDF files, and make right-click menu, find the Services–> Merge PDF to bring all together. If it’s the point not enough for you then move your mouse cursor into Jacob Salmela site you may find more tips. That’s it.

Via: Jacob Salmela 

Syed Ali Abubacker
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Syed Ali Abubacker

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