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Group photos from your phone camera doesn’t come much easier, you need to find someone to shoot the pictures or set the timer before it goes end.

Shutter Remote presenting most common issue to solve through Alexa to flick the photo automatically from your iPhone camera roll. To run the application download from the App Store, load and step into the app instructions. Around the corner, you point to add Shutter Remote with PIN and connect both devices to sync. After you get connected, Shutter Remote will be displayed using voice, text with Alexa to confirm to take the picture.

Shutter Remote doesn’t give free to iPhone users, instead of the app ask you to pay $0.99. If you want to take a group photo, then this new for your iPhone device.

That’s it.

Source: Shutter Remote Via: MacStories

Syed Ali Abubacker
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Syed Ali Abubacker

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