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Now, your smartphone has plenty of applications, especially, when you drive into the social apps you never return back to switch off your phone. Because, you always dip with a social app like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter like this many application you have been installed on your device as well. Using SaveMyTime app finds you the statistics of your phone. And this application removes your lock screen and display you how much time that you have spent on those productivity from your phone.

On the play store, you can search plenty of time tracker apps available on the store, but choosing those apps has been restricted to your phone. With SaveMyTime, it can read your movement when you mingle with your product that has been display you on your phone lock screen.

Once you get into the phone, the app gives a list of selections of app activities like sports, Phone, Computer, Food, Movie, Sleeping, and more. You can tap those activities to find out the time tracker for your phone. Even, you can bring the customization for the name, variety of colors, and icons of the trackers, the app allows more than nine trackers to get activities. If you don’t want, then turn off your trackers as well.

That’s it.

Source: SaveMyTime

Syed Ali Abubacker
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Syed Ali Abubacker

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