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Image Credit: 24me

Image Credit: 24me

In the past, you can see there are lots of apps arriving and helping to the smartphone in different ways, but If you are looking some particular programs that enough to support to the smartphone. 24me is a smart personal assistant app for Android that came to help, to connect your everyday to-do life. The app reminds you that your utility bill, bank details, social media and more. And also the app work with automatically and trying to help you that what next you need most wanted thing at that time. All it can do from inside the app.

24me Is an Automated Personal Assistant App on Android Smart Phone

The app is a smart assistant that you have it on your palm hand. It can create more products and help you what you spend on a particular date and time that all it goes into live. 24me can help to share of your list and team up to anyone. You can add easily tasks, event and notes get them in a particular time to remind from 24me app, and also you can do those actions again. It has an attractive layout and simple to use everything with UF (user friendly) and select the unwanted task that you have read it already simply swipe to complete everything. Even you can make schedule to receive the calls, text messages and emails from the app, voice message support, switch between the date and label to view all your upcoming tasks, you can share those products of to-do list or mistakes all you can arrange and share with friends and colleagues. One more special thing you can use a camera machine from there you can set the task to save everything that you like it. The app brings a regular feature to the user who wish to get this all on their mobile phone. And if you have your old to-do list task you can replace it with a new 24me app, it’s something special that what you looking for others.

Source: 24me for Android and iOS 

Syed Ali Abubacker
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Syed Ali Abubacker

I am a Tech Blogger, Surfing Websites It's my hobby. From this you will get a lot of information through GotoWebsites.info about Android, iOS, and Windows Applications etc.. Stay with me through Social Media.
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